The Owen Spence Series

The Owen Spence Series

The Sugar Sands

In 1773 when twenty year old Lieutenant Owen Spence is wrongfully dismissed from the British Royal Navy he finds himself set adrift on the Caribbean island of Jamaica.


Alone and despairing for the future Owen is desperate to find work, for he has minimal resources. Aided by a Spanish woman who becomes his lover he finds work ferrying sugar along the Jamaican coast for a plantation owner, but he abhors slavery and knows the life is not for him. His fortune changes when he meets an uncle he hasn't seen for years and is offered work as a merchant Captain trading goods throughout the Caribbean and America.


What Owen doesn't know is his uncle is a spy for the British Foreign Office and he wants to recruit Owen to help.  Owen is soon in the middle of growing intrigue, for French and American spies are plotting against the British to bring about the birth of a new nation. Owen is torn by the growing conflict like so many others throughout the Caribbean as he struggles to save countless lives by uncovering and stopping the plot.


Want to read the first chapter? Click Chapter One for a downloadable pdf file and enjoy!

The Owen Spence Series

The Sugar Storm

In 1775 the little known Caribbean island of St. Eustatius is experiencing an economic boom unprecedented in scale. British Foreign Office spies based in Barbados are suspicious their French and rebel American counterparts are responsible and that much more is happening below the surface.


Captain Owen Spence is tasked by his spymaster in Barbados with learning more. After establishing a trading operation as cover on St. Eustatius, Owen soon discovers weapon smuggling in support of the American rebels is rampant. Rumours the French are soon going to shift from covert support of the Americans to open, direct conflict with the British are everywhere. Owen knows the nearby French island of Martinique will be where the first strike comes from if war is declared.


Fearing countless more lives will be lost, Owen desperately struggles to learn where the first blow will fall against the backdrop of momentous events in the birth of the new American nation.


Want to read the first chapter? Click Chapter One for a downloadable pdf file and enjoy!

The Sugar Sands and The Sugar Storm are the first two of three books in The Owen Spence series. Watch for The Sugar Winds coming soon.

It is 17/02/25 15:00 and 2o Clear; later Partly Cloudy, tomorrow Partly Cloudy. Wind Direction: ENE 075o, 7 mph. Sunrise: 8:16 am. Sunset: 4:16 pm
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