Cat Characters

A webpage for cat characters? What's with that? Yes, this is the whimsical part of my website. The thing is I think everyone needs a few animals in their life. In my case, I like cats and that explains why I named a few of the cat characters in 'Stick Bugs!' after my real cat friends. Here's your opportunity to meet them:

My name is Oscar

I've gone to a place now where I have all the kitty treats and toys I could ever want. Everyone misses me a lot!


My name is Shadow

My owners picked a good name for me, didn't they? My buddy Lyle comes over and hangs out with me when my owners are away. Even better, I'm a character in Lyle's next book The Christmas Cafe. Now where did that piece of string go?


My name is Monty

I'm a big hunter kitty. My owner says I'm a real character and a friendly guy. My buddy Lyle comes over and feeds me sometimes when my owner is away.


My name is Tucker

I'm going to be a character in Stick Bugs In School. I'm hard to get a good picture of because I'm busy chasing my cat toys.

It is 17/02/25 13:08 and 2o Clear; later Partly Cloudy, tomorrow Partly Cloudy. Wind Direction: ENE 075o, 7 mph. Sunrise: 8:16 am. Sunset: 4:16 pm
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